Saturday, November 30, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 48 - Giving Thanks

Well I know all of us have been slammed, I know I have....and the week was here with family showing up and enjoying Thanksgiving...then hitting the shopping tour...ON FRIDAY...we didn't stick out noses out on Thursday!  Now everyone has gone back home and I can relax...but I did put together this collage to show my thanksgiving.  My oldest in SC, couldn't get down, but the rest of my crew were here.

Hopefully everyone had a great time. And now the mad dash to Christmas and New Years.

What a Year!!!!

Til Next week!!!!

For more great Thankful pictures check out the links below...


  1. Love your festive, down to earth Thanksgiving collage! Hope you all had fun!

  2. Your collages are always so great and this week follows that theme! Looks like you had a very yummy holiday table. Isn't it nice when all the dishes are done and put away and you can take a little snooze?

  3. Beautiful collage! Looks like there was some yummy food, toO!

  4. What a great collage! Hope you can catch your breath before the run up to the 25th...

  5. Great collage! I have to do this too.....deep breath! It will soon be over.

  6. Great collage, can you believe it's time for Christmas and New Year's?!? Oh my goodness time flies.
