Friday, October 25, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 43 - In The Shadows

Well...I don't think this weeks prompt needs any intro.  I just took pictures of the shadows around the house.....Didn't go anywhere this week, so I just used my yard.  Enjoy...and thanks for stopping by.

For more shadowy pictures search no further than down below.....

PS..For those of you that know how multifaceted Miss Sally is, she is listed in my jewelry blog about teaching those of us how to bead cabochons...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 42 - All In A Day....

Wellllllll.....I don't have anything exciting to report this week, no ducks, or wild animals attacking, I must be

But yesterday..I was very busy so I am reporting on it.  Cringing at the price of food these days, I decided to make my own granola bars...they turned out really well, but took me most of the day to bake since I doubled the recipe. I ended up with 6 sandwich bags full of my bars.  Definitely cost less than if I had bought them. AND I know WHAT  went into them!  So there is a picture of my "bars"

I also worked on one of my challenge pieces that is due next week. I had to pixel it so you can't really tell what it is before I post it.  It is the orange picture.  I also finished my grand daughter's Cinderella doll for her 2nd BD.  The black looking clothing piece is a sweater I crocheted and finished up yesterday also for her BD.  It is black with multicolored metallic thread in it. It was hard to take a picture of but I tried.

After supper, I went outside to relax and got a picture of a squirrel in one of my trees and then the picture of the bird, was taken from several hundreds yard was a hawk. But his back was to me.

So this was my day, my 24 hours.....I hope you enjoy it.

To see what everyone else did, check out below.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 41 Connected

When I first saw this my mind immediately went to all the "stuff" I am connected too. I have always said I feel like the hub of a wheel.  If I break or stop working, the wheel don't work.....So I put together a collage (imagine that) of what I am connected to.  Since my parents have passed, that is one spoke I don't have to worry about.  Though I am thinking this week we will see bunches of "wheels".  Enjoy!

For more Great Connections check out the links below. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 40 - Smile!

This week, Sally challenged us to get pictures of smiles.  I was busy this week with jewelry making and really didn't see anyone with I decided to go back into my horde of pictures and came up with a collage of smiles of my family...The black and white one is a picture of my brothers and myself as kids.  The baby is one of my granddaughters, and the one in the upper right is my other granddaughter. The older people are my parents, the rest are my kids....

For more smiles...check out the links below...and thanks for looking.