Friday, September 13, 2013

Focus on Life Week 37 - In Motion

Our esteemed leader, Sally, gave us a challenge this week to take pictures of "in motion".  Hmmm, I don't have small children that are always in motion. I sit at a desk. My dog is she doesn't move a lot.  I thought all week.  And since I have had the chance to purchase a new camera I was ready!

But what to snap pictures of......Yesterday, Thursday, my husband and I wanted to get out of the house (we are retired, but I sit a a desk to work on jewelry).  So I grabbed some old bread and we headed to the springs.  Well since I keep my camera close by, I dropped into my purse, just in case....

Well, on the way there, AHA (light bulb goes off). We are going to feed the birds at the springs..birds fly...motion!    Whoo hoooooo. I had it in the bag!  So while my husband threw bread I snapped pictures. In fact by the time we were finished I had snapped 50 pictures.  DON'T worry, I didn't post them all. I took the ones of the "in motion" birds and created two collages.  Enjoy, I know I did. And after that, click on any of the other "in motion" pictures to see what everyone else came up with.



  1. great job! those birds are pretty active - ha!

    1. Thank you, we have fed them before and it is fun to watch. Some of the birds were WAY across the field from where we were and when they say what we were doing, came RUNNING for their share. Kinda like kids......:-)

  2. Great pictures! glad you got inspired!

  3. Lots of motion there! I love water birds.

    1. Thanks, I have found that when you have food, they become your best friend.....

  4. I love seagulls. I'm probably one of the four people on Earth that does..

    1. LOL, I am sure there are more than just 4 that like seagulls. I wish I lived closer to the beach so that I could hear them. I like listening to them. But they really put on a show when we showed up with bread.

  5. So nice of your husband to help with this challenge! Your photos are wonderful!!!

    1. Yes, he was a dear! It was funny though, the birds kept coming at him when he threw the bread...almost reminded me of the movie "Birds"...but he was really cool about.

  6. Fantastic photos! Birds in flight and coming into land - wonderful images!
    Have a great week :)

    1. Thank you. It was hard trying to keep up with them while they would zoom in for the bread. Next time I think I will have to face away from the water, they seemed to just blend in...

  7. Great collages! The birdies were probably very happy with Sally for selecting this week's theme!

    1. Ha...I hadn't thought about the birds being happy....but I guess you could say that. I save up my old bread to take to them, so I am sure they were very happy to see me.

  8. Oh, these are some truly awesome shots! Great collages, too. Love them.

    1. Thank you. By the end of the time we were there, I had taken over 50 pictures....I had quite the time sorting through them. And I do love doing collages.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, we had a great time feeding them and snapping pictures.

  10. Ah, great minds think alike LOL!....but you found LOTS of birds! Love the white ones with the long bills, some kind of crane I assume? Very nice collages! Enjoy your new camera...what did you get?

  11. Absolutely gorgeous: birds and pictures alike! It sounds like a fun day at the springs, it shows you had fun - thanks for sharing!
