Saturday, July 20, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 29 - Routine

Wow week 29 and I am a day early...whoo whoo!  I guess not having much going on on a Friday helps.....

Inline image 1

This week, as you can see, Sally gave us the prompt - Routine.  Hmmmm...routine....doing something the same way every day.....ahhh...yessss...that would be MY COFFEE!  Unless I have to go in for a fasting blood work, DON'T mess with me til I have had my morning coffee!  Really sad I guess....but I don't have any little ones running around so I can take as long or as short a time as I want.   But I guess this is ONE of the PERKS of being "more mature" and retired....

My coffee, my computer, my emails, life is good!
So anyway...I have had my morning coffee, it is now time for my breakfast and to get on with the day.  For more great routines, hop over to.....Sally's


  1. I'm so with you on this one! I've chosen the morning cuppa for this weeks challenge too! I love your mug, although having ruined two keyboards by spilling drinks in them I now have a more stable, wider mug that should be really difficult to knock over!!!

  2. Your morning routine looks much like mine: catching up on email and blogs, though I drink water rather than coffee.

  3. LOL, reading this as I sit in front of my computer(of course) with my mug of coffee (of course) right next to it. Retired is great!

  4. It's funny how many chose coffee for this week.
