Monday, July 1, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 26 ?

I know I am very late with this....but...they do say better late than never.  I really didn't know what to post this time and almost didn't but then the light bulb went off.

As most of you know I lost both my parents this year, my Mom Feb 9 and my Dad June 3. It wa
s expected but......anyway this past weekend we were having an estate sale and such and so I was really busy and just didn't feel like posting.....but then "light bulb".

My camera died too....(time for a new one) so I am posting a canned clipart picture.

 But my theme " A New Chapter in My Life"  

I am now at that point in my life when my parents are gone, as is my husbands, so you could say we are at the top of the list now.....I have to make decisions I didn't think I would have to make...and not making ones I thought I would have to make.  I have blank pages to fill now with MY life and what I want to do. My responsibilities as a daughter are over. I am the "reigning matriarch" (lol) now.  It is a  strange feeling. I still catch myself thinking I need to call my mom to ask this or that, or to tell my dad about something I found in my garden....but I can't they aren't here.  

They are here in spirit and I can "talk" to them when ever I want, but, I don't get to see their reactions....

But I am well aware of how the life cycle goes....I watched Lion King enough when my kids were growing up!!!!!! So I will take this challenge and in baby steps start to fill the pages of my new chapters. And hopefully when the day comes for my husband and I to "go" my children will take up the challenge and continue on.

Thanks for listening to my rambles, I know some of you have been there done that and many will be soon.  So I am thankful for being in this new club and will await new members as well.



  1. Ah yes, that reality that hits you when you realize you are now an orphan, no matter what your age. May your book befilled with many stories of peace and contentment.

  2. So sorry for your losses. I think the photo is fitting even if it's clip art! It represents what you are going through now.
