Saturday, December 28, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 52 - Goodby....

I can't believe the year is over. It seems like it just started. But so much has happened this year to me. And through it all you, my FOL, friends were with me.

In a challenge I did at the beginning of the year, we were asked to pic a word to focus on for the year.  Mine was "growth".  I look back and I can see that I did indeed grow.  I took on jewelry challenges and saw my techniques mature and grow over the year...I not famous yet...but hey who knows.

I stepped up to the plate when losing both my parents this year. Becoming the matriarch of the family. That wasn't easy.

I started out the year dealing with my husband being in the hospital for 3 months with a shattered ankle and then almost the rest of the year dealing with it healing, which is still hasn't.

I had to deal with a child moving out...and one moving back in. But now wish all three were here!

Then just the daily grind on top of it all.  Keeping faith in face of all that was around me.  So I think it has been an interesting year, not one I want to repeat but one that I really think I grew as a person, a jewelry designer, a crafter and a better child of God.

And through it all, my FOL friends were there.

So I say good by to 2013 and my FOL friends, 2014 is just around the corner, and I know I will be seeing you all again.

Hugs to all!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 51- Togetherness

Togetherness - that act of being together...NOT! At least not for me...this week has been so chaotic for me, finishing up Christmas gifts and getting them in the this week...I "threw" some pictures TOGETHER of warm and fuzzy moments for me....hopefully next week will be calmer....

For more pictures check out the links below....


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 50 - Pop Of Red

When I saw this prompt I first thought of the red ball on my Christmas Tree but then when looking outside...I found some other pops of red..

Being in Florida right now made it easy as it is still kinda warm. Though today it is really gray and dreary looking and we are in for some rain.

But on with the prompt.

My tree with my beautiful ornament from my Face Book friend Theresa Frank in our Ornament Exchange, then the rest are just some pictures I had on hand with pops of red in them.  The third and last one are jewelry that is going in my Etsy Store the first, second, and fourth ones are of flowers in my yard. 

To see some more great pops of red head on over to the link below. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Focus Week 49 - Add Sparkle

Merry Christmas - early...I am slowly getting into the has been crazy since Thanksgiving.  I haven't had a chance to get around to the blogs from last week...and I will...I am trying to finish up my Jackson Hewitt Tax class.  I have an interview on Monday and I must be finished with all the classes.  So I have been trying to do 2 -3 chapters a day. Needless to say I have been busy!

I haven't had a chance to get out and see the Christmas lights yet, but have started with decorating my living room.  Below is a favorite of mine. The Nativity Scene.  I bought it yyyyeeeaaaarrrssssss ago...I have to have it out each year or it doesn't feel right...Same with the little train station. We bought that in 2002 for my son (now 21) as he was into trains.  The plant is my dads Christmas Cactus.  It is just covered in blooms. This was from a few days ago.

As many of you know...this will be my first Christmas without my parents.  One of the many first I know. I will have to go through. But it still isn't easy.

I know we will have more great prompts before the end of the year and I promise to have my living room finished so I can show my tree.

For more great "sparkle" head over to the links below!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 48 - Giving Thanks

Well I know all of us have been slammed, I know I have....and the week was here with family showing up and enjoying Thanksgiving...then hitting the shopping tour...ON FRIDAY...we didn't stick out noses out on Thursday!  Now everyone has gone back home and I can relax...but I did put together this collage to show my thanksgiving.  My oldest in SC, couldn't get down, but the rest of my crew were here.

Hopefully everyone had a great time. And now the mad dash to Christmas and New Years.

What a Year!!!!

Til Next week!!!!

For more great Thankful pictures check out the links below...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 47 - Centerpiece

Wow, the weeks are just flying by...I can't believe the end of the year is almost here! What do we do then....(sad face).

Anyway, Centerpiece. At first I thought a center piece for my table...but then I opened it....Then it was a piece of cake.

As most know, God is the center of my world, being, soul.  I know I am not perfect, but God is there just the same! Then around him are some of the gifts he has given me over the years, my husband, my children, my sister and her son, my niece and her family, my parents and even my dog. Memories that will be with me for ever, forever keeping me tethered because I know that they are gifts from God.

May all of you have a solid centerpiece and may this Thanksgiving and Christmas time be a time of remembering old memories and making new ones!

For more hop along the links below.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 46 - Reflect first I am thinking shiny our wonderful Hostess is thinking ahead of the game and knows as the year winds down...(can't believe it has already) that we all tend to get really busy.  So her prompt for this week was a Reflection on those who are important to us.

Of course I had all these great pictures to choose Life will have computer died the other night...power supply shorted ALLLLLLL of my pictures are on that computer of course...

Luckily I HAD moved some of my older folders of pictures to a thumb drive...So I had to scour through them and the hit up Facebook for more....But I was able to get a fair mix...the big one is of my family (minus my oldest who lives in SC) with my parents this PAST Christmas.  Most of you know both passed this year so this if the FIRST Christmas without it will be kinda bittersweet...but I know they are much more happier in Heaven with their heavenly family.

The rest around the edges are of my kids and grand kids.

Starting at the top right is my middle son, Nicholas, then my daughter Sydny, then a sweet picture of them "back in the day". The in the bottom right corner is my both of my sweet granddaughters, Selena and Elfie, then just Elfie, then Larry, my oldest and his wife and Elfie. Then the last picture is of my daughter Sydny and her boyfriend Aaron.

I really love how this came out...I may have it printed and put is on the wall in my studio to look at....

For more sweet reflections check out the links below and thanks for stopping by!

OH and BTW - I have a google friend counter needs some love....

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 45 - Industrial Photography

Good morning all!  Let me first say...I am sorry if I haven't been as active as I usually am.  I have decided to take an online Jackson Hewitt Tax course and it has really taken up a lot of my time.  Plus I have decided to take the NaNoWriMo challenge and write a novel in Nov.  So I have been working on that also.  And jewelry, and crocheting for Christmas, and making more healthy from scratch food items, even healthy dog biscuits for my dog.  Add that to taking care of my hubby and helping my son with his college work and I am lucky to get a good night sleep.

SOOOOOO without being too long winded....if I seem absent from the posts...I do apologize and promise to try and do better....

When Sally posted this weeks FOL...I was a little taken aback as Industrial Photography was a new concept to me.  And so it kinda got shoved to the back burner....until last  I haven't been outside or gone anywhere to have taken any pictures so I had to go back through my stash and make a call to my daughter for help....Once I got going all seem to click and I realized what a great medium we were missing out on in life.

So below is my interpretation of our prompt for this week...and before you ask...the picture in the upper left hand corner are barnacles from a beach trip we took a few months ago. The buildings are from Kissimmee and Orlando Florida. The car with the caution tape is from a show in Dunnellon and the car in bottom left is a picture taken in 1940 outside my grandparents house in Orlando Florida.  The bottom two on the right are of the beach and the power plant here in Dunnellon...thanks for looking and for being patient with me.

For more great pictures hop around to those shown below...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 44 - Saints, Souls, Sugar Skulls, and Scares

What a title...and ...Halloween IS ONE of my favorite much
stuff and so much 

We didn't go anywhere this year...and we live in the no cute kids came here. BUT my daughter and her bff did a photo shoot and she sent me some of those. Then she took some pictures of

  stuff in the stores. AND my daughters bff worked Halloween Horror Nights at Universal, so I "borrowed" some pics her mom took. AND then of course the pictures of the cute little witches are my granddaughter, my great grand cousin....and my grand niece....AND then the picture of the three kids in a living room are my son, my nephew, and my niece...mother of the cutie in orange, in the late 1980's....(hehehehe),  I think that covers it...

Oh yeah, the one in red with red hair is my daughter...the guy next to her is just an extra at Halloween Horror Nights that we had a pic of.

Anyway I put them all

in a collage...enjoy...

For more
 pictures hop over to the blogs below and 

 they might be scary toooooooo!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 43 - In The Shadows

Well...I don't think this weeks prompt needs any intro.  I just took pictures of the shadows around the house.....Didn't go anywhere this week, so I just used my yard.  Enjoy...and thanks for stopping by.

For more shadowy pictures search no further than down below.....

PS..For those of you that know how multifaceted Miss Sally is, she is listed in my jewelry blog about teaching those of us how to bead cabochons...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 42 - All In A Day....

Wellllllll.....I don't have anything exciting to report this week, no ducks, or wild animals attacking, I must be

But yesterday..I was very busy so I am reporting on it.  Cringing at the price of food these days, I decided to make my own granola bars...they turned out really well, but took me most of the day to bake since I doubled the recipe. I ended up with 6 sandwich bags full of my bars.  Definitely cost less than if I had bought them. AND I know WHAT  went into them!  So there is a picture of my "bars"

I also worked on one of my challenge pieces that is due next week. I had to pixel it so you can't really tell what it is before I post it.  It is the orange picture.  I also finished my grand daughter's Cinderella doll for her 2nd BD.  The black looking clothing piece is a sweater I crocheted and finished up yesterday also for her BD.  It is black with multicolored metallic thread in it. It was hard to take a picture of but I tried.

After supper, I went outside to relax and got a picture of a squirrel in one of my trees and then the picture of the bird, was taken from several hundreds yard was a hawk. But his back was to me.

So this was my day, my 24 hours.....I hope you enjoy it.

To see what everyone else did, check out below.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 41 Connected

When I first saw this my mind immediately went to all the "stuff" I am connected too. I have always said I feel like the hub of a wheel.  If I break or stop working, the wheel don't work.....So I put together a collage (imagine that) of what I am connected to.  Since my parents have passed, that is one spoke I don't have to worry about.  Though I am thinking this week we will see bunches of "wheels".  Enjoy!

For more Great Connections check out the links below. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 40 - Smile!

This week, Sally challenged us to get pictures of smiles.  I was busy this week with jewelry making and really didn't see anyone with I decided to go back into my horde of pictures and came up with a collage of smiles of my family...The black and white one is a picture of my brothers and myself as kids.  The baby is one of my granddaughters, and the one in the upper right is my other granddaughter. The older people are my parents, the rest are my kids....

For more smiles...check out the links below...and thanks for looking. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 39 - Your Best Shot

This week Sally gave us the challenge of giving our best shot.  I pondered on it all week.  I have lots of amazing shots.....But instead of going back through the innumerable "stack" of pictures I just went out into my yard and snapped away.  I put the pics into a collage because I couldn't just pic one....

Since I know I would be asked, I will tell you what they are.  The one in the top left and else where that look fuzzy are the beginnings of seed pods from a Magnolia Tree. I have two in my yard and I love the blooms.  Hate the pods once they drop and the leaves once they drop...but while in the tree...they are pretty.  The next one and the one in the right corner and in the bottom row is from flowering bromeliads that grow in my yard. I have several varieties. The one with the purple seed pods is a Callicarpa americana (American beautyberry). I have several of them in my yard also.  They are really pretty. The purple really stands out!  There are two kinds of mushrooms in here also. The one middle bottom has some really cool colors that would look killer in clay and the other one is red in coloration. They are  Polyporus squamosus. Then there is one at the base of a stump that is called Laetiporus sulphureus.  Interesting to look at.  Then I have a couple of pictures with a small butterfly. The bright orange one in the left bottom corner is a flower from a Canna Lily plant.

So there you have it, My Best Shot.   Using the links below, hop around and see what other great pictures are in store for you.  I am sure they will be a wonderful treat.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 38 - Quiet

Quiet....Another interesting challenge by our famous leader, Sally at Studio Sublime.  This was a hard one for me, because even though it is quiet in my house...I am usually working on beads, blogging, is hard to catch me - quiet - ...  But then my husband suggested I let him take pictures of me reading outside on our swing...Ok...I can do that.  I do take time almost every day to read.  Helps me stay focused.  My new favorite author while I am waiting on some others to come out is Clive Cussler.  I have really developed a love of his books and since there are over 50...well I will be reading for a while.  So I went and sat on the swing and let my husband take a picture...of course he didn't tell me I needed to pull my shirt straight...shows all the bulges...oh welll.. ...  Enjoy the rest of us being quiet at Sally's. And thanks for looking.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Focus on Life Week 37 - In Motion

Our esteemed leader, Sally, gave us a challenge this week to take pictures of "in motion".  Hmmm, I don't have small children that are always in motion. I sit at a desk. My dog is she doesn't move a lot.  I thought all week.  And since I have had the chance to purchase a new camera I was ready!

But what to snap pictures of......Yesterday, Thursday, my husband and I wanted to get out of the house (we are retired, but I sit a a desk to work on jewelry).  So I grabbed some old bread and we headed to the springs.  Well since I keep my camera close by, I dropped into my purse, just in case....

Well, on the way there, AHA (light bulb goes off). We are going to feed the birds at the springs..birds fly...motion!    Whoo hoooooo. I had it in the bag!  So while my husband threw bread I snapped pictures. In fact by the time we were finished I had snapped 50 pictures.  DON'T worry, I didn't post them all. I took the ones of the "in motion" birds and created two collages.  Enjoy, I know I did. And after that, click on any of the other "in motion" pictures to see what everyone else came up with.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Focus On Life Week 36 - In Two

Well, I still haven't been able to get a camera.  Can't decide on what I want....anyway since our prompt was about two...I posted a collage of some of my earrings that I made that will soon be on my etsy page. To have a set of earrings you need two!  Reminds me of the Wrigley's gum commercial on Noah's Ark....I bet some of you remember!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Focus on Life: Week 35- Growth and Change

Growth and change.....well right now I feel like I am in holding pattern.  I can't seem to see the path where I am supposed to go. So I guess I will just wait.

But I did have something change in my yard.  My brother came by and put up the swing that I took from my parent's place when they past away.  The picture isn't that great either, as my good camera died and the only one I had was an el cheapo..but you get the point. For more great sites click the links below.

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 34 - Add Something...

Welllll, add what???? I don't need to add any stress to my life...I don't need to add more outside interest, I don't need to add anything to my life right is quite full..............................

Duh....add to a picture.............OH, that I can do. And I had great fun. I had these two pics from our beach outing a couple of weeks ago....They are of my two youngest....Enjoy!

For more check out the links below!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 33 - In Season

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but when I saw this prompt, my first thought was that song from the 70's -  Song: Time Of The Season Lyrics by The Zombies...  Ok, so I am showing my age....but it was a cool song.  Also later that day my husband and I had to run an errand and saw this sign....(suppose to say Rainy Season is Here!

Thought it was kinda catchy...but we all know what season it is...especially in Florida....SUMMER! And finally we got the chance to go to the springs and is collage of what we did.  The two girls in the water is my daughter (standing) and me (in was COLD water). Then the mural with my daughter in was on the side of a restaurant in Crystal River, so I convinced her to pose.....then there is one of the hundreds of crabs that were coming on shore...what a sight.  Then my son is striking a pose...that's me behind him...hehehehe. And of course some seagulls...when I took the picture of the single seagull with the buoy's behind him, I didn't realize there were seagulls on each one... what a hoot!

That my day in the "Summer Season" For more hop over using the links below....Have a sunny day!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 32 - Where I Stand

When I first read this, being silly as I can be, I thought well I stand on my feet...but...we know that is not what she meant.   So I have been thinking about it this week, and right now I am standing in the center of several cross roads...Now that my parents have passed, I had wanted to do some traveling...but that is on hold while we wait for the doctors to decide what to do with my husbands ankle...after 9 months the bones still have not healed, one of the screws in his ankle is loose and he has an infection....they have given us several options. We are just waiting for the last of the lab test results to come in before making a decision.

My middle son is at home while he goes to college...where he is finding that college is totally different from high school.  My daughter spent the summer here helping me around the house and going through some of her "stuff" we brought with us when moved.  What she packed two years ago doesn't seem as important

But..I know God is Good, and the right path will show itself when he is ready.

In my picture, I have my family, the one of my husband of course was taken last year before his accident. Then there is my daughter...(laying on the couch) then my middle son, and then my oldest with his two daughters and my daughter in law...the rest are of the nature around my house that somehow keeps me grounded.  I can't tell you how much I sit at my window or go out and look around my yard when I feel like I am about to loose it. Oh, and our dog, who doesn't know she is a dog.....

So from where I is good, God is good, and I will just keep plugging along.

For more wonderful stories check out the links below.  Thanks for looking!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 31...The color Blue!

I really thought I would be gone this weekend so I had my picture ready.  I really haven't been outside this week. So I went back and found some "blue" pictures in my stash.  My husband's fav color is blue, mine is we are kinda the same...but anyway, here goes!

For more "blues" hop over to Sally's place! Til Next week......

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 30 - Catch the Sun

Wellllll, even though I live in the "Sunshine State"....this week has been more rain than sun.  The summer is our rainy season and we are really getting it! the first day I haven't woke up to rain. We are hoping to go visit the springs and get a little r and r or sunshine!  But I did manage to get a couple of photos before the rain set in of the bird feeder outside my window with the sun, and my dog looking out the window watching for the squirrels that were running around out there in the sun, and then if you can see in the one picture how tall my grass is. I am going to have a jungle soon.....

For more pictures of the SUN hop over to Sally's page

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 29 - Routine

Wow week 29 and I am a day early...whoo whoo!  I guess not having much going on on a Friday helps.....

Inline image 1

This week, as you can see, Sally gave us the prompt - Routine.  Hmmmm...routine....doing something the same way every day.....ahhh...yessss...that would be MY COFFEE!  Unless I have to go in for a fasting blood work, DON'T mess with me til I have had my morning coffee!  Really sad I guess....but I don't have any little ones running around so I can take as long or as short a time as I want.   But I guess this is ONE of the PERKS of being "more mature" and retired....

My coffee, my computer, my emails, life is good!
So anyway...I have had my morning coffee, it is now time for my breakfast and to get on with the day.  For more great routines, hop over to.....Sally's

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Focus on Life Week 27 - Texture & Week 28 - Pretty Patterns

Well I never figured life would slow me down as it has the past two weeks.....but since what happened really blends into this challenge, well, heck, I will just do a combo!! :-)

The beginning of week 27, my doctors gave me a new antibiotic......found out the very hard way...I am highly allergic to it....luckily I only took two doses, but those two doses did me in.  The rash I got was unbearable....I was in bed almost a week getting over it with new meds to counteract the for week 27.....our famous leader Sally...

We are focusing on textures today! From the course to the soft and fluffy, textures are always at our fingertips but we tend to be too busy to notice. Textures surround us at any given time, we sometimes just need to slow down a little and give them a little attention. Run your fingers down the hem of a quilt or pick up that dried leaf and focus on what your finger tips feel.

Well I can tell you, that rash is raised!  It is raised and rough and it itches!!!! This rash was ALL over my body! Including my head!   I will never take antibiotics again! This was horrendous. I had to stay in bed most of the time with a fan blowing on me. If I got hot, the rash itched more!!! I would never wish this on anybody, even an enemy......


So there you have texture....

 Inline image 1 For this week, 28, it was pretty patterns....well, lets see what pretty patterns the rash left me......

Needless to say, I was a pretty patterned up person.
 And as I am sure you are, I am tired of the rash, so 
til next week.....

"Rash On".... :-)

For MORE pretty patterns and pictures head on 
over to Sallys.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 26 ?

I know I am very late with this....but...they do say better late than never.  I really didn't know what to post this time and almost didn't but then the light bulb went off.

As most of you know I lost both my parents this year, my Mom Feb 9 and my Dad June 3. It wa
s expected but......anyway this past weekend we were having an estate sale and such and so I was really busy and just didn't feel like posting.....but then "light bulb".

My camera died too....(time for a new one) so I am posting a canned clipart picture.

 But my theme " A New Chapter in My Life"  

I am now at that point in my life when my parents are gone, as is my husbands, so you could say we are at the top of the list now.....I have to make decisions I didn't think I would have to make...and not making ones I thought I would have to make.  I have blank pages to fill now with MY life and what I want to do. My responsibilities as a daughter are over. I am the "reigning matriarch" (lol) now.  It is a  strange feeling. I still catch myself thinking I need to call my mom to ask this or that, or to tell my dad about something I found in my garden....but I can't they aren't here.  

They are here in spirit and I can "talk" to them when ever I want, but, I don't get to see their reactions....

But I am well aware of how the life cycle goes....I watched Lion King enough when my kids were growing up!!!!!! So I will take this challenge and in baby steps start to fill the pages of my new chapters. And hopefully when the day comes for my husband and I to "go" my children will take up the challenge and continue on.

Thanks for listening to my rambles, I know some of you have been there done that and many will be soon.  So I am thankful for being in this new club and will await new members as well.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Focus on Life Week 25 "You Are......"

THIS week our esteemed leader gave us a challenge of  "This week I asked everyone to complete this sentence,  “You Are  ___________!”, and fill in the blank.  The only catch is it had to be positive." first thought was...I am perfect....but then I know to many people that would disagree with I thought about it, and based on how the first 6 months of this year have gone....I would say   " I am Determined".  

Both my parents passed away, which was somewhat expected...but...sad. Taking care of my disabled husband. The economic rollercoaster.  Though I can say that God is with us 100%. Otherwise I think we would be on the streets....  and well....just life in general! goal is to finish planting my yard, sit back and watch it grow, while working on my jewelry and bird watching!  So in order to that... I have to stay DETERMINED!.

Like Sally, I love taking pictures so I had to figure out what to take to match determined...... wasn't easy, but as I enjoy working with collages, I created one with a couple of my earrings, an Ibis in the front yard during TS Andrea, a picture of one of the many lilies we have growing and a mushroom.  I like mushrooms.....(, not to smoke)  I do eat mushrooms, but I think they are neat looking. And since I am determined....well, I won't be living under one!  (though I think it would be cool to have a "mushroom" house.....)

So enjoy...

For more incredible people and pictures head on over to Sally's Blog 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Focus on Life Week 24 - Green

Well, I am a little late, but better late than never.  As I did last week. I didn't post last week as my father has just passed and I was dealing with the funeral and out of town guest and was really just worn out.  So I am picking up with this week - Green.

This was some what easy for me as I am always photographing plants and such so I went through and made a collage of some of my green plants and bugs. Enjoy!

For more Green hop on over to Sally's.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Focus On Life Week 22 - Foodie

This weeks challenge was FOOD. Now we all know we can't live without food....but I don't normally take pictures of the food I cook. At this point in my life, I am cooking, come and get it, clean kitchen, kitchen closed, and on to me time!

I don't have any little ones to deal with, so I can get away with it.  Now if my daughter were here, she loves to cook and tries to be fancy so I could have photographed hers...BUT instead I went to my husbands and my favorite restaurant and "stole" pictures from their site....Denny's.  It was hard to decide what to choose but I tried to choose the ones we ate the most.  And of course since I love creating collages...there is more than one food photo....So enjoy..

For more scrumptious food head over to Sally's blog

Til next week....Happy Calories!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Focus On Live Week 21 Reminisce much to remember. I really wasn't sure if I would find something or remember something to reminisce about. Well....I am going through old pictures..and I kinda reminisce about those times and laugh SO hard at how we looked in the "ole" days. But to me I really wanted something that would take me back....Well thanks to my son and his computer game that happened.....

When my son (now 21) was little, in his two's and three's he had a VERY hard time settling down at night to had some music videos, yes vhs's.....that had nature scenes set to classical music.  There was one set he really loved listening to and I for the life of me can't tell you the song that seem to really help him sleep...

The other day I heard THAT song coming from my son's computer....(awe, shock, disbelief...) I went out to check and one of the "guys" in his computer game liked to listen to classical music when he was driving his car FAST. (awe, shock, disbelief...). So I went out and asked him if he remembered the song.  Not really he said, though we have told him many times about those times when he was little.  So this week, that song took me back to those "sweet" days when he was little and lovable, and cuddly and didn't mind Mom holding him....(sigh).  So below is a picture of him playing that game.

Looks real soooothing huh?

For more reminisces hop over to Sally's blog

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Focus On Life Week 20

Well it seems we are well on our way to the half way point. It has been a journey for me. I look forward to that last week and get to go back and see what I had posted through out the year.

This Sally told up to "LOOK UP".  Well that is easy for me as my desk faces a window and I am always looking at the sky. But I know there are more things "up" than just the sky. So I went and did some snapping in and around where I live.

I put them in collage as I have found I really enjoy playing with that feature that is in the Picasa program I use.  We have sky pictures. One is of a lone cloud. If you look closely you can see a heart design. I had been thinking about my mom who passed in Feb. I still forget she is gone. Many time I think, "Oh I need to call and ask, or I wonder if Mom...." then I remember she is in heaven. So I felt that maybe this heart was for me.

The one in the middle is looking up through the branches of my Magnolia Tree in the front yard. The bottom right picture is the same tree from a distance.

The picture with the cows in it are "up" on the it is a little tongue in cheek picture. Then I have a squirrel in the tree and a wood pecker. I had to look up to photo them.

The moth was on the underside of the roof overhang so I had to "look up" to get his picture.  It is really interesting how much MORE of nature I get to experience in the country.  Things that I would probably not even bothered to look at in the city!

The two of the flowers, I had to look "up" to get the shots as they were above my head. The purple flowers are a type of orchid, and the orangey flowers are the flowers from a type of bromeliad I believe.

So there you have it. My week of  " looking up". For more great pics hop over to Sally's page ,